Background: The practice of safety measures by workers in every industry and in particular automobile assembly industry is paramount to the maintenance of optimal health. Hence the need to study what actually is being practiced by the workers in automobile assembly companies. This study focused on the practice of safety measures by the workers in the 2 automobile assembly plants. Methods: All the production staff in two Automobile assembly plants were studied in this cross-sectional descriptive study. Three hundred and eighteen production staff participated in this study. A semi-structured interviewer-administered questionnaire was used. Data collected was analysed with the aid of the computer software: Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 20. Frequency distributions and percentages of all relevant variables were represented in tables for easy appreciation. Results: Three hundred and eighteen production staff of the two automobile plants participated in this study giving a response rate of 100%. There were more males (96.9%), and majority of the respondents were single (72%). The commonest age group was the 26 – 30 years age group (37.4%). Majority of the respondents had secondary education (94%). Only 19.2% of the respondents underwent medical examination before they started working at the companies. Among all the respondents, only 182 (57.2%) agreed that they did go for periodic medical examination. Only 26.1% of the respondents reported that their employer organized occupational health and safety training programme for newly employed workers. Ninety-two (28.9%) of the respondents reported that their employer organized periodic trainings for workers. All the respondents (100.0%) agreed that they were provided PPDs in their workplace. However, only 38.4% of respondents were trained on the use of PPDs and only 14.9% used the PPDs always. Conclusion: This study has shown that the workers practice of safety measures was poor. We recommend that managements of the companies provide all the necessary PPDs, organise occupational safety and health trainings for new staff and periodic trainings for old staff and also enforce safety rules.
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