Agreement between New Zealand and the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu on Economic Cooperation

The Agreement between New Zealand and the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu on Economic Cooperation (ANZTEC) is a high quality, comprehensive trade agreement that will liberalise and facilitate trade in goods, services and investment between the two markets. ANZTEC delivers preferential tariff access that gives New Zealand exporters a key competitive advantage in an important ‘affluent-Asia’ market of 23 million people. It also includes innovative provisions on film and television, indigenous cooperation and air links that will expand existing creative, cultural and people-to-people links.

NZ Adherence Status:

Adherence Type:

Exchange of Letters

Signature Date:

Adherence Date:


Date Concluded:

Place Concluded:

Entry Into Force Date:

NZ Entry Into Force Date:

Termination Date:

Withdrawal Date:

Withdrawal Notification Date:

NZ Objections:

NZ Reservations:

NZ Declarations:

NZ Territorial Applications:

NZTS Number:

UNTS Number:

Associated Treaties:

Other References:

Treaty Text Link:


Adherence Type:

Exchange of Letters

Adherence Date:

Signature Date:

Entry Into Force:

Contact Information:

If you would like more information about this Treaty please contact us using our contact form.